Upcoming enhancements to the County Profiles tool.

SC HealthViz

SC HealthViz is a website dedicated to providing geospatial analysis, health statistics, and innovative policy research. By providing geospatial analysis of health data and social determinants of health, or GeoHealth, this site explores the geographic context that shapes outcomes and policies at local and regional levels.

SC HealthViz is developed and maintained by the Division of Integrated Health and Policy Research (IHPR) within the Institute for Families in Society (IFS) at the University of South Carolina.

Click here to learn more information about IHPR and IFS.

Maternal and Child Health
Voices/Voces Initiative

We are now embarking on a new phase of this work!

With support from the South Carolina Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare (CRPH), we are expanding the Voices/Voces work through a project entitled Supporting Providers on a Path Toward Maternal Health Equity: Creating and Implementing the Voices/Voces Toolkit.

Click here to learn more about this exciting next step for the Voices/Voces Initiative!