Perinatal Quality Improvement Tips
A Resource Guide for Hospitals Seeking to Improve Maternal & Newborn Outcomes

A new integrated resource guide for birthing facilities seeking to improve maternal & newborn outcomes is now available!
This resource guide provides a summary of programs and initiatives that may help birthing facilities address some of the greatest challenges affecting maternal and newborn health in South Carolina (SC). It is designed for use within hospitals by Perinatal Quality Improvement Leaders and Provider Champions to improve systems of care and, consequently, improve obstetric outcomes through the implementation of evidence-based, respectful care.
The resources in this guide can provide support for hospitals in the following ways:
- Aid in reporting of national quality indicators (i.e., CMS, AIM, The Joint Commission, and Leapfrog Group)
- Help meet CMS birthing-facility credentials
- Optimize limited staff resources
- Promote greater return on investment
Through the tips and resources provided in this guide, hospitals can be key partners in improving perinatal quality, access to care, and outcomes for mothers and babies in SC.
Download the new PQI Tips Guide