*New* Maternal Health Indicators

In South Carolina, the rate of hospital deliveries paid for by Medicaid is 61%. SC Medicaid plays a critical role in providing access to maternal and newborn health services among low-income women. Tracking the percentage of births paid for by Medicaid as well as the percentage of births among the uninsured is essential for understanding the scale of health services that low-income women and newborns need in a particular area and for planning and allocating resources effectively. By monitoring the maternal health indicators highlighted in the SC County Profiles, healthcare providers and policymakers can make data-driven decisions to improve maternal health outcomes.

It is important to view maternal health indicators in conjunction with broader social determinants of health (SDoH). Exploring these relationships in conjunction with racial disparities and geographical differences allows for a holistic understanding of maternal health and socioeconomic status to help identify trends, gaps, and areas of concern more accurately. Regular monitoring of these measures can also help highlight areas where the state is doing well or areas that may benefit from targeted policies and interventions. IFS is dedicated to finding ways to understand the complete picture of maternal health and to make policies and programs in SC more responsive to the needs of low-income women. In support of that endeavor, within the next year, IFS will be expanding perinatal reporting at the zip code and county levels to support community-driven efforts to improve maternal and newborn health across the state.

All data featured in the app, including additional Maternal Health Indicators, are available for download – click the links below:

Download the SC County Profiles Data for June 2024
Socioeconomic Indicators (PDF)
Maternal Health Indicators (PDF)